The director of the SITMA plant, responsible for making these products, regrets that there is no political support to develop this technology
GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (MAY 24, 2016) .- The plastic garbage produced by 20 families in a month can be recycled and converted into a service, sewer or storm drain cover of approximately 40 kilograms, at the same time prevents 500 liters of water from being contaminated with waste.
This is the task carried out by the SITMA industrial plant in Tlaquepaque, with seven years of history in the collection of plastic waste, classification, regeneration and transformation into urban infrastructure products.
The company has presence in 22 states of the Mexican Republic, countries of Central and South America, as well as in two of Europe. However, it has been difficult to enter the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, regrets its general director, Juan Carlos Virues Fernández.
“Here in Jalisco, no, it has cost work; there is an amount higher than the 1,500 ancantarillas of these, we could talk about Arboledas, the Market of Supplies, all Arboledas until Cruz del Sur, round trip, they are tapas of SITMA “.
He assures that there is no political will to obtain support to develop technologies that support the environment, and there is still the belief that iron is the most resistant.
They use high and low density plastic
The work done in the plant prevents 800 tons of plastic from being left in a landfill, and contrary to their waste, they are converted into something useful for the city.
The main source of plastic supplies for SITMA is the landfill collectors of Matatlán, Picachos and another one in Tlaquepaque.
All the products of the plant are made with a combination of high density plastic, such as milk cans, softeners and any rigid product, as well as low density, such as plastic bags and canvas, to give some strength and at the same time flexibility for its manufacture.
PET plastic is not used in these sewers, and what is received from the pepenadores is donated to suppliers who do reuse it.
Virues Fernández stressed that another plus of the benefits of using this type of product is that it is not the product of theft, as is the case with the SIAPA, CFE or Teléfonos de México iron covers.
“These products have no value for the secondary market, as they are recycled plastic products, garbage, they are not stolen; for iron they give them 200 or 250 pesos for each cap, without thinking about the damage they can cause to society. ”
“This is a very good option because it resists, it is not stolen and it is environmental”.
General Director of SITMA, Juan Carlos Virues Fernández.
Data from SITMA
-Has 40 direct jobs and 120 indirect (pepenadores).
-The covers cost 40% less than those of iron, which costs around one thousand 700 pesos.
-Every day, SITMA makes between 280 products, between covers, sewers or storm drains.
Each cap passes through a process of quality, in addition to tests of a weight of eight thousand kilos of cargo, according to the standards set by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), around the passage of heavy cargo trucks.